
Welcome to my blog. I mainly post about my sewing projects, as I’m building a colourful and comfortable everyday wardrobe suitable for a working mum of primary school children. I really love African wax fabric, so that features heavily. I also occassionally post about family life in Edinburgh and travel. Hope you have a nice stay!

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DIY kids penguin costume for Halloween

DIY kids penguin costume for Halloween

Ages ago I promised Ellis I would make him a spider costume for Halloween, but when we looked at ideas online, he changed his mind to a penguin, which is less spooky/halloweeny but fits with his current obsession. I’m really pleased with the result, its actually wearable as an everyday jacket as well as a costume, which is just as well as all the usual halloween activities will almost certainly not be on. I’m hoping there’ll still be a wear fancy dress to school day though.

For the base I used a standard fruit of the loom zippy hoody, plus mostly thing I already had. The eyes are felt which we had kicking about, the beak is some sweatshirting left iover from my tacara dress, interfaced with some medium interfacing I also had. I drew the shapes freehand, and got them right first time, strangely.

DIY penguin costume

The white on the belly took a little longer to figure out because of the pockets. I considered making the white really narrow to keep it within the pockets, and just sewing over them, but in the end I decided to go a little bit more inolved to get the best shape but also keep the pockets functional. I unpicked the top seams of the [ockets which allowed me to wrap the white fabric round the top two edges of the pocket. The botom edge is curved to make the bottom half of the circle. I didn’t attempt to just attach this seam to the pockets , but sewed through both the pocket and the main body of the hoodie. This does make the pockets smaller, but they’re obviously still big enough for Elllis’ hands. I drafted the main circle to align with the pocket, and sewed it underneat the unpicked pocket, before reattaching that. Et voila! The fabric is a remnant of some scubaey jersey from Edinburgh Fabrics.

I’m very pleased wirth myself that I’ve graduated to the level of sewing skills where I can rustle up somnething like this in a couple of evenings!

DIY penguin costume
DIY penguin costume
home made penguin costume
Peppermint Loungewear set in gingham seersucker

Peppermint Loungewear set in gingham seersucker

Harvey Knits Ama Sweater

Harvey Knits Ama Sweater