
Welcome to my blog. I mainly post about my sewing projects, as I’m building a colourful and comfortable everyday wardrobe suitable for a working mum of primary school children. I really love African wax fabric, so that features heavily. I also occassionally post about family life in Edinburgh and travel. Hope you have a nice stay!

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DIY Kids Halloween vampire cape

DIY Kids Halloween vampire cape

Another bit of catch up blogging is this vampire cape I made for Milo shortly before Halloween. We used to have a shop bought one in a toddler size that lasted for a surprisingly long time, but he is 10 now!

I self drafted this, if you can call that self drafting! It’s just a collar, sewn separately, with a double sided gathered rectangle, also finished separately before attaching. Not that I would recessarily recommend doing it that way, it meant sewing through four layers of fabric plus a layer of interfacing, and it doesn’t look amazing inside.

red and black kids vampire cape

The best way I think to do this would be to draft a semi circle/three quarter circle type thing that aligns porperly with the collar piece, but I was using a remnant piece (some kind of polyester fake dupion) for the black, and it wasn’t big enough for that. The back is just some cheapo poly lining and the velvet ribbon I had lying about.

If I made this again, I would also make the collar quite a bit larger. Once you take away that width for the gathering, it is really quite narrow.

But Milo was happy with it and I think it will do us for a couple of years!

Ellis wores the DIY kids spider costume I made last year. I wrote a proper tutorial for that, if you click through on the link.

Fabric Origami star Christmas ornaments

Fabric Origami star Christmas ornaments

Some straggler makes from 2022

Some straggler makes from 2022