
Welcome to my blog. I mainly post about my sewing projects, as I’m building a colourful and comfortable everyday wardrobe suitable for a working mum of primary school children. I really love African wax fabric, so that features heavily. I also occassionally post about family life in Edinburgh and travel. Hope you have a nice stay!

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Fabric Origami star Christmas ornaments

Fabric Origami star Christmas ornaments

We have this tradition with my sewing friends that we give each other home made Christmas ornaments every year. In it’s fifth year, and I love it! The tree is full of the things I’ve received and all the prototypes of what I made, and i love thinking back.

This year I made fabric origami stars, also known as Scandinavian fabric stars. No sewing involved. Turns out African Wax abric is perfect for it, because it presses so well, and I couldn’t stop making them until I’d used up all the small scraps.

This is the tutorial I used, it has a video. This one has photographs instead.

And this is what I received this year from my secreat santa, some cool beaded embroidery and I do love a wreath! photos taken of it hanging in the tree!

Sorrento bucket hat

Sorrento bucket hat

DIY Kids Halloween vampire cape

DIY Kids Halloween vampire cape