
Welcome to my blog. I mainly post about my sewing projects, as Iā€™m building a colourful and comfortable everyday wardrobe suitable for a working mum of primary school children. I really love African wax fabric, so that features heavily. I also occassionally post about family life in Edinburgh and travel. Hope you have a nice stay!

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Project 52: 36/52

Project 52: 36/52

Ellis made some banana muffins


Milo's got a new bike! We've been visiting local used bike placde Bike Station regularly for ages but they didn't have a suitable one until now (the 20 inch ones are popular apparently) and we did the Let's Ride ride today. They close off a 5k loop through the city centre, its fab, it's a chance for small kids to go on the road so the whole thing is very civilised, definitely not a race. Milo's aim was 4 laps to beat last year's record, but hunger won out and we stopped for a Mosque Kitchen lunch half way through the fourth lap. He's very keen to point out that it's still better than last year!

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Project 52: 37/52

Project 52: 35/52

Project 52: 35/52