
Welcome to my blog. I mainly post about my sewing projects, as I’m building a colourful and comfortable everyday wardrobe suitable for a working mum of primary school children. I really love African wax fabric, so that features heavily. I also occassionally post about family life in Edinburgh and travel. Hope you have a nice stay!

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Project 52 1/52 - 3/52

Project 52 1/52 - 3/52

I never know with the project 52 posts whether I should write stuff about the photos. I kind of feel these ones are just for my own record keeping, and to help me when I print all the photos out at the end of the year.

But I suppose it might be good to have some context, so: top photo is from New Years day halfway up Blackford Hill. I had a mutiny from everyone and we did not make it to the top.


Both boys got big Lego sets from us for their Christmas


Trying to get back in the swing of things, we went to the Meadows playpark and Cult Espresso


Milo had a joint birthday party with his friend, we had a guy come with exotic animals and the kids got to hold/touch them. The highlights were a meercat which escaped out of the other birthday boys arms, and this 13 foot python! There are also pictures of all the kids standing in a row holding it!


We got some book vouchers for Christmas, so yesterday we went to spend them at Toppings and Company which is the most amazing bookshop. Its beautiful and they serve you free hot drinks. Milo picked his book quickly then started reaqding straight away (and also all the way home) while Ellis pulled out what felt like every single book and went ‘I choose that one’ but we got there in the end! Dave and I also got three books between us.

Project 52: 3/52

Project 52: 3/52

My first make of 2020!

My first make of 2020!