
Welcome to my blog. I mainly post about my sewing projects, as I’m building a colourful and comfortable everyday wardrobe suitable for a working mum of primary school children. I really love African wax fabric, so that features heavily. I also occassionally post about family life in Edinburgh and travel. Hope you have a nice stay!

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Me Made May roundup

Me Made May roundup

If you’ve seen my Instagram you’ll have seen I’ve been doing Me Made May. I didn’t make a pledge and wasn’t even sure I was going to do it, but I got sucked in, and I loved it! I ended up wearing almost all my memades (minus one dress that was too fancy, one cardigan I don’t really like and some fairly destroyed T-shirt’s I have relegated to sleep wear). It’s made me realise I have more than I think!

It’s really invigorated my Instagram use as well. I had been losing motivation a bit, but the memademay hashtag has been really inspiring and I’ve got right back into commenting and gushing over everyone’s lovely things. My head is filled with plans now, kind of more than I can handle, probably.

In terms of gaps, it’s shown I have a lot of tops, which is as it should be. Because I cycle most days, I don’t really wear dressy dresses very much (i do wear dresses as tunics over trousers). It’s made me realise I should probably overcome my fear of sewing bottoms though. I’ve shied away from that because I have such a complex shape. I have a big, sticky outy bum, and at the same my widest but is not actually my hips but the top of my thighs, so it’s all very complicated and honestly everyone’s trouser fitting stories freak me out a bit. I haven’t ever even sewn a trouser zip!

The other thing I’ve realised is that I like fairly basic shapes sewn in nice single colour fabrics the best, rather than prints and complex details. DIY Daisy is my sewing icon!

Anway, I have four very concrete things planned now so hopefully some sewing content will be forthcoming!

What we did in Lisbon

What we did in Lisbon

Penicuik House (and Project 52: 19/52)

Penicuik House (and Project 52: 19/52)