Blogger clothing swap
A couple of weeks ago I attended a blogger clothing swap event organised by Ruth McGilp in support of Alicas. Alicas is a charity distribution parcels of new unwanted clothing to women in clothing crisis like domestic abuse survivors. Each parcel is carefully tailored to the recipient (who is referred by support services) and beautiful wrapped with an individual message.
The swap element was a bit difficult for me as I haven’t really bought many clothes for the last five or so years, including charity shops. When I was younger I used to have so many clothes, but I’ve since pared down my wardrobe through a natural process of things dying and not fitting me any more, and becoming much more fussy about fit and quality, to a point where I have as many/few clothes as a normal person. I was also worried about no one bringing anything in my size as I’ve sized out of the average range for a young person (most of the bloggers are in their twenties and obviously haven’t had two kids). But in the end it was fine, people took the things I did donate (including the Marilla Walker Roberts top that looked like scrubs on me) and I actually came away with almost as much as I brought.
The event was at the Alicas offices which are in the new Edinburgh Palette artists studios. The old one was in an old and slightly creepy (long corridors like in the Shining) office building in Meadowbank, but they’re being chucked out in the summer and the new one is in a recently vacated modern office buildings (it was Deutsche Bank before) in Crewe Toll. West Edinburgh is always a bit of a mystery to me as I live in South Central and work in Leith, but actually there are there direct buses from our flat, which makes Crewe Toll more accessible than Meadowbank! I’m excited to discover who else moves in there!
Thanks Ruth and Alicas for organising! It’s fun to participate in blogger events, I don’t get to do it that often!
All the lovely photos by Ellie Morag
The jumper version of the famous ‘boring’ Lazy Oaf cardigan
Rachael from Alicas
Dress like a crayon success!
Dress like a crayon success!
What even is my face here! With Rita Selftailored
I was determined to make this dress work. This was my first attemt, which didnt work
This is what I settled on at the end
Lucie Call me Dumpling and the infamous Roberts Scrubs top. I have a picture of her wearing in on my instagram
This cape was my best score!